Aqua Nature ParaCure 250 ml
Aqua Nature ParaCure 250 ml
Paracure is useful disease treatment against protozoan parasites including Flukes Gyrodactylus(skin flukes) and Dactylogyrus(gill flukes).in addition to being effactive anti parasite treatment,Paracure can also assist with bacterial gill disease and bacterial disease such as skin ulcers.
Use in aquarium keeping.
Paracure In tank treatment Effective against bacteria and parasites can be repeated every 2-3 days maximum 3 treatments.Paracure short term baths Effective against Bacteria and parasites can be treated daily maximum 5 days treatments.It can be use to kill snails and unwanted insects in aquatic plants. before introduce plants inside aquarium.make lighter red solution with water in a tub dip the plants in to it for 10 minutes in dark place.
Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Not for human consumption.if ingested drink water, seek medical attention immediately. If in eyes flush with water, if irritation continues, seek medical attention.
250 ml Treats up to 500 gallons
Push 4 time Equal to (5 ml) per 10 US gallons (38 L) of aquarium.
1) Remove activated carbon.
2) Stop uv sterilizer.
3) Treatment continue for a week 5 ml for 38 L daily maximum 5 days.
Expert Use.
Short term bath before adding fishes and aquatic plants to avoid infection in main aquarium.
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